Press Releases on Living Pterosaurs

By Jonathan Whitcomb

The following are brief quotations from news releases on modern (non-extinct) pterosaurs, commonly called “pterodactyls” or “flying dinosaurs.”

Strange flying creatures in Utah

(July 2, 2018)

A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed eyewitness accounts of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called “pterodactyls” or “flying dinosaurs,” and found that several states in the USA stand out, including Utah. Jonathan Whitcomb, of Murray, Utah, has been receiving emails since 2004, from five continents, and most of those reported sightings, in recent years, have been in North America.

Especially useful may be two maps that show relatively how many sightings have been reported in various states of the USA.

Pterodactyl reported in Papua New Guinea

This is an updated (in 2011) version of the August 14, 2006, press release about interviews of the American World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson.

A study by an American cryptozoologist suggests that the “pterodactyl” described by the World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson was a real creature, of a species living in coastal areas of Papua New Guinea. Jonathan Whitcomb, of Long Beach, California, analyzed a videotaped testimony of Hodgkinson in 2005 and concluded that the veteran saw, near Finschhafen, New Guinea, in 1944, the same species of flying creature that natives of nearby Umboi Island call “ropen.”

Pterodactyls in mid-20th-century Cuba

(Dec 19, 2011)

This explores two sightings at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by two eyewitnesses: Eskin Kuhn (1971) and Patty Carson (1965).

Retired forensic videographer Jonathan Whitcomb, of Long Beach, California, used to interview accident victims for attorney firms; now he interviews only eyewitnesses of apparent pterosaurs, what many Americans call “pterodactyls.”

Flying dinosaurs – strange flying creatures

(Nov 20, 2014)

Do you believe in the possibility that long-tailed featherless flying creatures, much larger than any fruit bat, live in the jungles of Papua New Guinea? Your belief depends a great deal on where you lived your childhood: in a village like Gomlongon on Umboi Island or in a western country like the United States.


screen shot of a web page on living pterosaurs




Those who investigate reports of living pterosaurs

About Paul Nation, David Woetzel, Carl Baugh, and Josh Gates


A living pterosaur was seen during World War II

This is a reply to a portion of a huge web page that was written by the living-pterosaur critic Glen Kuban: “Living Pterosaurs (‘Pterodactyls’)”. I recommend avoiding that page.


Living Pterosaurs in the USA

Over the past 15 years, I’ve seen hundreds of reports of non-extinct pterosaurs, often called “pterodactyls.” Most of those have been direct contact with eyewitnesses, often emails that they send me. The great majority of those have been from ordinary Americans who have seen extraordinary flying creatures.



Indava of Papua New Guinea

Cheesman Sightings

The British biologist Evelyn Cheesman discovered a number of species of small creatures in the southwest Pacific, during her expeditions in the first half of the twentieth century. Her skills in observation and reasoning, however, were insufficient to explain strange lights she observed in a tropical rain forest deep in what now is called the “mainland of Papua New Guinea.”

One night, as she sat on the veranda of the house where she was staying in Mondo, she gazed out at some distant mountain ridges. There was no storm or major cloud formation in her area but there were three distant storms, mostly too distant to hear any thunder.

A brief light caught her attention. After it went out, another appeared, a little distance away from the first one. She estimated the flash duration: four to five seconds. They were nothing like lightning.

In her book The Two Roads of Papua, Cheesman said, “by no possibility could there be human beings out there using flash-lamps [flash lights] at intervals.” She eventually gave up on discovering the cause of the lights, but other explorers, a few decades later, would find an astonishing explanation.

Ropen and Indava of Papua New Guinea

In 1994 and 1996, the American Biblical creationist Carl Baugh and the Baptist missionary James Blume visited islands in Papua New Guinea, including Umboi Island, interviewing eyewitnesses of strange flying lights and a large flying creature that some natives call “ropen.” They believed that natives were seeing the glow of bioluminescent pterosaurs.

In 2002, Paul Nation, as associate of Baugh’s, explored on Umboi Island and interviewed natives. He was followed by three other Americans in two separate expeditions in 2004. The strange flying lights attributed to the ropen were observed by some of those American explorers on Umboi Island, but not all of them. Nevertheless, much was learned from the two expeditions of 2004, adding to the knowledge obtained from the previous expeditions.

The ropen of Umboi Island, however, is not the only flying light attributed to large flying creatures of the night in Papua New Guinea. We also have the indava.

Paul Nation’s 2006 Expedition

Many miles south of where Evelyn Cheesman had long ago observed strange lights—that’s where Paul Nation videotaped two strange lights that were on a ridge above him. That night in 2006, Paul recorded many seconds of video. He brought back the footage to the United States during the Thanksgiving season.

I was very grateful to interview Paul Nation, in his home in Granbury, Texas, soon after that expedition. I made a digital copy of his video footage of those two lights and took it back with me to California, where the missile defense physicist Cliff Paiva analyzed it over a period of several weeks.

The lights were found to be dimmer at their centers, an unusual characteristic that eliminated car headlights, flashlights, camp fires, and airplane lights, even if any of those should be present (which they were not).

Paiva also eliminated meteors, even though it was already obvious they the two lights sitting on the top of that ridge were not meteors. What the scientist could not eliminate was bioluminescence from large creatures.

In this area deep in the mainland of Papua New Guinea, south of where Cheesman saw strange lights, the natives call the flying lights “indava.” They ascribe the lights to large flying creatures. In the past, the indavas would sometimes raid the village of Tawa and carry off a pig or a child. The villagers learned to make loud noises when they heard the creatures approaching, frightening the indavas and keeping them at bay. The village of Tawa had been free from those raids for some time when Paul Nation arrived in 2006.


Paul Nation and Another Expedition

Paul Nation . . . is looking for funding for another expedition deep on the mainland of Papua New Guinea . . . it will be his third indava search in this particular mountainous jungle area.

Indava Pterosaur

On the mainland of Papua New Guinea, lives a colony of creatures unclassified by science but known to the villagers as “indava.” They are said to fly to the coast to feed at night . . . a long flight for a meal . . .

Pterosaur Sightings

In Cuba, Georgia, North Carolina, Hawaii, and elsewhere

Pterosaur Sightings in Hawaii

I would estimate the wingspan to approximately 6 feet and it was very dark in color. I saw it in Kona and was completely astonished when looking at it because it was completely unlike anything else I have ever seen and it looked like nothing else I can explain other than a pterydactyl [pterodactyl].


Pterosaur Sightings in Hawaii

In reply to one of my blog posts, in the middle of 2012, I received the following email:

I am writing you because I have also seen a Pterydactyl like creature on the Big Island. Twice actually in the last 2 months. My husband and son also saw one about two weeks ago. I have been doing all kinds of research to see who else has seen this because it seems quite crazy, but I am abosolutely positive in what I saw.

However, the bird that I saw was not with a 30 ft wing span. The first time: (about two months ago) [about mid-May, 2012] What I saw, was maybe 100 ft up? But at that height I would estimate the wingspan to approximately 6 feet and it was very dark in color. I saw it in Kona and was completely astonished when looking at it because it was completely unlike anything else I have ever seen and it looked like nothing else I can explain other than a pterydactyl.

I told my husband about it and talked about it quite a bit, because I was so fascinated by it. I saw it again or perhaps a different one about a week or so later downtown Kona on my way to work. The second one seemed a bit smaller maybe 5 ft wingspan.

Well two weeks ago we moved into a new home in Kona about 2 miles South from our other home and my husband and son saw the Pterydactyl fly over our house and circle around.

As of February 1, 2013, I have had no further communications with the eyewitness.

lovely landscape of the Big Island of Hawaii

Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii


Another Pterosaur Sighting in Hawaii

When it passed across to the right of me I then realized it was a living creature because it began to flap its wings and continued to flap . . .

Pterosaur Sightings in Georgia

Both birds had what I can only guess to be 15-20′ wing spans and the motion of their wings as they flew saw very slow, the head was long and ended in a point, wings ended in a point and appeared to be featherless . . .